Tuesday 9 December 2014

"A" Job well done!

We did it! The presentation went great. We all presented our respective sections very well and the feedback was fantastic. I really feel that this is a game that could do very well in the market if it was to be produced and with an A grade for our presentation I think we have done a great job of presenting it as such. I am so proud of the guys for their work and I am sure it will continue as we look to polish the GDD and fill out our peer review forms before finally submitting.

I am so glad that I got to work with Jonathon and Robert again as I feel we work very well as a team and I hope we can continue to work together.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Week 11

After getting to grips with photoshop and the best way to get the most out of it especially when using a tablet monitor I have created the rogue and I could not be happier. He was created using an image size of 9000 x 9000 pixels so you better believe the detail on him is top notch. The presentation is complete and ready to go and we are all really excited to do it. We think we have a very professional presentation and a great product so we really hope that we do well and I can safely say the team deserves to because we have worked our tails off to make this as good as we can and coming from three programmers I feel we have done a great job.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Week 10

I get more and more impressed every week with this team. Today we have discussed just how well we are doing and how this could really quite easily be a viable option as a real game that would make a big splash in the gaming world. The mage is finally complete and I am so pleased with her. The majority of the paperwork is complete which is great and the powerpoint is coming along nicely.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Week 9

The great work continues! Robert and Jonathon have been working like mad men researching and writing. I have been having a blast writing character bio's and I have started work on the Mage's concept art but it is taking me much more time due to switching to photoshop finally.

Tuesday 11 November 2014


Dat beard braid though! This week sees the completion of our first piece of concept art, the barbarian. While he is no masterpiece he took a long time to do and has held me back a bit more than I would have liked from the paperwork, however I feel I am still ahead of schedule. The rest of the team have been working away like mad and I am really impressed with the work they have been doing.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Week 7

Progress is coming along nicely and I feel like I could not have better team mates than I do as we are working so well together. We have this week began discussing the games new characters and also the upgrades to the returning characters. This week I will also begin preparing to create the concept art for the players by researching similar looking characters and practising drawing techniques as I am not exactly picasso.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Week 6

Today we spent a long period of time deciding how the story would carry on from Call of Fruity. This was a great experience as we were all working really well together chipping in ideas and feeding off each other. I feel we have came up with a fantastic plan for the story. We have also started looking in to researching other games that use similar styles to the game we are planning on making to get as many ideas as possible.